Based on expert advice, Restore Mass Ave suggested the cedar can remain without sap drip harming the statue. This finding is in a Note on Statue and Sap which accompanied the filing. For the complete filing see Our PDFs page.
Our group also proposed planting two new shade trees on the neglected upper slopes of the park, in the DC land which runs along the curbs. This area at S and 24th Streets is now a hot traffic corner. Tall trees there would be away from, yet frame the statue and connect the formal streetscape of Mass Ave with the old-growth forested hill of Kalorama.
Please visit our Historic Landscape Initiative page to view a slideshow of Restore Mass Ave's work near Emmet Park. We've arranged new trees; we care for several of them ourselves. The embassies of Chad and of Cameroon also care for trees facing the park. Catoctin Construction, which is renovating the Embassy of Cameroon, refilled the water baga around a young cherrywe planted in the park. (see Tree Care Blog, January 2012.)
All these activities, together, fit RMA's motto: "Many stakeholders, one landscape."
Right: Three matching "Red Sunset" red maple street trees in glorious fall colors. They face the Embassy of Chad (2401 Mass) and are cared for by that Embassy. They are across S Street from Emmet Park.
All photos: Restore Mass Ave
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